Peace of Mind

How it feels when you've finished creating your will.

Everyone needs a will, no matter the size of your estate. And, you’re never too young to start planning for the people you love.

We also know that cost, time and the overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start can sometimes be roadblocks to creating these important documents.

That’s why SAFE is offering a free and confidential resource for you and your family. We are partnering with FreeWill to provide a secure online tool to help anyone write their legally valid will for free in under 20 minutes.

How does this benefit SAFE? You will be offered an opportunity to leave a bequest to SAFE in your will that will help ensure SAFE’s services in the future. However, there is absolutely no obligation to do so. And, unless you choose to let us know you’ve used this tool, it’s completely confidential.

Ready to create or update your will?

A Gift for You and Your Future
Create these 3 important legally valid Legacy Documents confidentially online for free through our partnership with FreeWill.

Professional Assistance Through Our Planned Giving Office

The SAFE Alliance has a strong team of caring and dedicated development staff who have made our donor's experiences and goals with SAFE a priority. And, we are here to help you!
Our Planned Giving Office is an important extension of our Development team and we're here to work confidentially with you and your advisors.   Let us know how we can assist you!
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